Posted on June 7, 2016

Over 800 Attacks on Members of Germany’s Anti Mass Migration Party

Chris Tomlinson, Breitbart, June 7, 2016


AfD state chairman Armin-Paul Hampel has revealed that over the last year the party has had to report over 800 cases of attacks ranging from physical assaults, vandalism, to party members’ cars being the target of arson, Die Welt reports.

The anti-mass migration AfD are no strangers to criticism and opposition from the media, the political establishment and left-wing extremists. At the party’s conference in Stuttgart earlier this year hundreds of left extremists fought with police and blocked party members from attending the event leading to hundreds of arrests.


Controversial deputy chairman Alexander Gauland, who recently stoked criticism over comments regarding the German national football team, had his house pelted with paint. MEP and leader of the AfD in the European Parliament, Beatrix Van Storch, has had to seek police protection because of credible threats against her.


Antifa, behind many of the attacks, may also be the recipients of government funding, albeit indirectly. Government money has been directed to an office of Thuringian Left Party leader Susanne Hennig which also houses a group called Redroxx. Redroxx has openly called for members to “pay a visit” to AfD members in their homes.

“Welcome Network Pankow Helps” is said to receive extensive funding from the German Federal Family Ministry, and advertises on their website that they are a pro-migrant group dedicated to helping house migrants in Berlin.

It was on their website that a protest against a Berlin dentist and honorary spokesman of the AfD was advertised.  The purpose of the demonstration was to block traffic to the dentist’s office and was attended by approximately 60 ‘black bloc’ anarchists.
